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Academic Year 2023-2024

Program: first semester

Dates: from 15-09-2023 to 27-01-2024

Mandatory courses
Convex analysis, Duality theory and Lagrangian methods : 120h + 60h (practicals)
Continuous (un)constrained optimization : 120h + 60h (practicals)
Advanced math.programming methods - Part I (incl. LP, ILP, MILP) : 120h + 60h (practicals)

At least one among these three
Nonlinear programming : 120h + 60h (practicals)
Semidefinite programming : 120h + 60h (practicals)
Inexact and Second order methods : 120h + 60h (practicals)

Program: second semester

Mandatory courses
Nonsmmoth analysis and optimization : 120h + 60h (practicals)
Nonlinear analysis and optimization : 120h + 60h (practicals)

At least one among these four
Advanced math.programming methods - Part II (incl. MINLP) : 90h + 60h (practicals)
Fixed point: Theory and Algorithms : 90h + 60h (practicals)
Operator splitting methods and algorithms : 90h + 60h (practicals)
Variational analysis, inequalities and optimization : 90h + 60h (practicals)

At least one among these two
Applications of continuous optimization : 30h + 120h (project)
Advanced computational methods : 30h + 120h (project)


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If you have questions, suggestions or remarks, please contact us contact@3nlab.org