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Splitting Methods for Nonlinear Continuous Optimization

Call for Papers

Coupled to the organization of a Stream on Splitting and ADMM Methods at EURO 2022 (Espoo, Finland), the workshop invites for participation on the following
Advances in Splitting methods
Douglas-Rachford methods
Forward-Backward methods
Proximal Splitting methods
Advances in ADMM methods
Nonlinear ADMM methods
Stochastics ADMM mehtods

Submission Instructions
Submission: at registration following instructions here below
Extended abstract: from 1 to 3 pages (either extended version of the abstract submitted to EURO or related topic)
Submission format: Please use the latex style file for submission.
Accepted papers will be posted on the webpage, the workshop will host archival proceedings
Presented papers will be invited for submission to Special Issue (pending).

Important Dates

Deadline for submission of papers: March 08, 2022
Notification of acceptance: March 28, 2022
Camera-ready: May 28, 2022.
Workshop date: July 02, 2022


Program & Review Committee

Each submission will be evaluated by at least three members of the Programm Commitee. Additional meta-review comments (by the organizers) will be provided for papers where the decision by the reviewers is not unanimous or requires further explanation.

Organizing Committee
Vu Cong Bang
Papadimitriou Dimitri


To register please fill in the following form

You will then receive an email providing detailed informations concerning the workshop and complete your registration to the workshop.

Note that participation to the workshop comes with a minor fee of 25EUR.